Soooo, season 6 is off to a different start due to the unexpected heightened threat of the coronavirus. Wedding plans are changing, flights are canceled, bridal parties and guests are dropping out, and couples are uncertain as to when they'll be able to have their fairytale wedding.
This wedding was on March 14, 2020, a day before things went absolutely bat shit crazy!
I wasn't sure if this small intimate ceremony would even still happen. I knew things were different and that there was an unspoken elephant in the room. I'll admit I was a little apprehensive and nervous about the situation. However, I showed up prepared with my hand sanitizer and got it done! We pulled it off and made it work even with the uncertainty of what was to come.
Here are just a few moments from the day. I don't know how season 6 will unfold but I remain prayerful! Cheers to better days ahead.
Season 6 Episode 1

For more information on the venue, please visit Mrs. K's Toll House